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Earth Day: the 3-minute step to put your business on the road to net zero

April 22nd is Earth Day – an event that sees more than one billion people in 192 countries demand greater action to protect our environment.

As people power goes, it’s hard to beat. And for business, it will bring into sharp focus something they already know: consumers want positive change from the brands they buy from. Pre-pandemic, the “Greta Thunberg effect” and Blue Planet were just two factors that saw major rise in green consumerism, and post-Covid it seems set to stay. In a recent survey, More than half of UK residents felt the pandemic has made them more environmentally conscious.

Businesses that don’t respond are going to see customers voting with their wallets. Half of digital consumers say environmental concerns impact their purchasing decisions, according to one survey. Another survey showed that 45% of UK shoppers actively buy products that are environmentally friendly.

Government action

This greater public awareness is coupled with increasing ambition from governments worldwide on climate. The UK has set a legally binding target to reach net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 (effectively ending its contribution to climate change). Businesses account for nearly a fifth of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, so they are expected to play a key role in getting us there.

Companies can expect tighter environmental regulation to drive the shift towards net zero, and they are getting prepared. It’s no surprise then that net zero targets are becoming the business “norm” – to date over a third of the UK’s largest companies have joined the UN’s “Race to Zero” campaign; more will follow.

Juggling priorities

These are all compelling reasons for businesses to address their climate impact. But a recent survey of small businesses found that despite wanting to play a key role in the UK’s journey to net zero emissions, many businesses don’t know where to start; where and how to get help.

The pandemic, has, for many businesses switched the focus to immediate survival. For most it has dominated company energy, resource and headspace, leaving little bandwidth for anything else. Despite the financial benefits of reducing carbon emissions, many businesses have no time to research a net zero strategy for themselves.

The three-minute net zero calculator

If this picture sounds familiar to your business, help is at hand. Recognising the challenges faced by companies wanting to decarbonise, we created a simple net zero journey calculator to help companies take the first step on their net zero journey.

It takes just a three minutes to complete and will provide a tailored roadmap to help you set, progress and achieve your net zero goals. The recommended actions will be based on your company’s individual characteristics, such as sector, budget, and level of ambition.

If you’re struggling to get to grips with the jargon around climate change and net zero, we’ve also prepared a range of net zero FAQs. And, if you’d like more in-depth advice, we’ve put together a comprehensive business guide to net zero.

Businesses that adapt to a low carbon world will see a whole host of benefits, including operational cost savings, an improved reputation and greater resilience. This Earth Day, taking these simple steps towards net zero could be the key to unlocking positive changes that will protect the planet and future-proof your business.

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