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What to look for in an ESOS Phase 2 lead assessor

More and more firms are realising; ESOS Phase 2 is here. And that means that for many of us, seeking out a suitable lead assessor to carry out the auditing work is key.

When it comes to ESOS, your lead assessor is your critical friend, guiding you through the process, easing any pains and ultimately delivering not only your compliance, but your opportunity to implement energy efficient change and build in the true capital advantages ESOS has to offer.

Hence, finding an assessor that’s right for your organisation is paramount. ESOS assessors must be a member of an approved professional body register. Check this official guidance to help find the Assessor you need.

Sector specifics

There are myriad different sectors across the UK economy, and each of them has myriad complexities.

For example, imagine that a lead assessor steps onto a large manufacturing facility. The energy impacts of this business are big. The amount of plant onsite is going to be varied, intensive, with different operating patterns and different areas which not only need reporting on, but which could be streamlined post report.

Contrastingly, let’s consider our assessor has just arrived at the front door of a retail unit. Whilst still potentially significant, the energy impacts and the actual tech onsite are likely to be less complex; comprising lighting, air conditioning and heating.

These still have energy and reporting implications, but they are likely to be simpler and less specialised than those of the manufacturing business.

What does all this tell us? It means that when you start to seek a lead assessor, one of the first options should be to discover who has experience in your sector.

Ask to see previous reports from other clients. Interrogate the assessor as to the challenges of reporting in your sector.

You will soon know whether they are worth their salt.


As with employing any consultant, do your research. Are the assessor’s previous clients happy? Demand references; call them to check the assessor’s claims stack up. Ask for proof of an assessor’s track record, skills and abilities. If an assessor is happy to share these details, chances are they’re a good fit for your job.

Making the right judgements upfront can not only make your ESOS experience more pleasant and productive, but also avoid potential fines and trouble from the regulator if you are late, or your assessor fails to do the job right.

Price and added value

Another obvious point; shop around for a lead assessor. See who is in the market and what the pricing structures are.

To gain financial value from the audit, it’s a good idea to select a lead assessor who is capable of helping you to implement the identified energy saving measures. Many lead assessors will offer ‘added value’ services, such as post-ESOS implementation, energy saving programs and strategies.

In this way, you can build a long lasting relationship that will do what the government wants, build in energy efficiency in the real world.

And you will be saving that all important commodity; money. Some lead assessors even offer funding packages such as shared savings schemes, which help companies avoid the upfront cost of energy efficiency projects. You may find that larger, more established consultancies are more equipped to provide these services.

ESOS assessors: The final word

You could just pick up the phone and employ the first assessor you speak with. But as with any business venture, you can ease all kinds of pain, and add all sorts of benefits, by researching up and actively becoming involved in picking the for the job.

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