Net Zero

“Net zero” means achieving a state where the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted do not exceed the gases being removed from the atmosphere so that the overall balance is zero.

Essential news articles covering climate change, net zero and carbon emissions from the writers of Energy Advice Hub.

For a net zero solution, visit Sustainable Energy First’s website HERE.

What is carbon capture, utilisation and storage? Your business explainer

The energy market is rapidly changing, and businesses are seeking routes to decarbonisation that meet their security, affordability, and sustainability needs. Carbon capture, utilisation, and...
Wind turbines blend in against a bright grey sky as the Welsh Government launches publicly-owned renewable energy developer

Welsh Government launches publicly-owned renewable energy developer

The Welsh Government has launched Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, a publicly-owned renewable energy developer aimed at accelerating renewable energy projects, especially onshore wind, across Wales....
Rolling green hills in England reflect the afternoon light in England which, according to a new report from the Climate Change Committee, is not on track to meet its net zero goals

UK off track and confused on climate goals, says CCC report

The previous government has left the country misaligned with the UK’s net zero goals, says the Climate Change Committee’s latest report. Amidst various net...
Not just for Christmas: could the Demand Flexibility Service run all year round?

Not just for Christmas: could the Demand Flexibility Service run all year round?

The Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) is evolving from a winter contingency service to something that could run all year round. Here’s what you need...
UK Sustainability Reporting Standards: what to expect and when

UK Sustainability Reporting Standards: what to expect and when

A new set of sustainability reporting standards for UK businesses is coming next year. What are they and who will be affected? Transparency is key...
The EU flag waves in the wind outside of a large office building

Green Claims Directive: EU Council adopts its position on greenwashing

If you’re a B2C company doing business in the EU, you may be affected by the Green Claims Directive, which could soon be passed...

Independent advisory body launched to support UK transport decarbonisation

A new independent council has been launched to help accelerate the UK’s net zero transport goals. This change comes at a pivotal time as...
Welsh Government launches £20m decarbonisation fund for universities and colleges

Welsh Government launches £20m decarbonisation fund for universities and colleges

A new £20m loan scheme to accelerate net zero in tertiary education has been announced for Wales.DIGARBON (which means ‘decarbonise’ in Welsh) opens for...
Charging up: A business guide to b

Charging up: A business guide to battery storage systems

Battery storage, or battery energy storage systems (BESS), are devices that enable energy to be stored and then released when the power is needed...
UK risks losing climate leadership position, BloombergNEF analysis shows

UK risks losing climate leadership position, BloombergNEF analysis shows

As of April 2024, any business tendering for a contract with NHS England will need to have a carbon reduction plan. This requirement was already in place for large suppliers, but is being extended to cover all new procurements. If your business plans to supply goods or services to the NHS, what do you need to know?