Does SECR apply throughout the UK?
Does SECR apply throughout the UK?
Yes, SECR applies to all quoted companies, large unquoted companies and large LLPs throughout the UK.
Companies incorporated outside of...
Which companies must report under SECR?
Which companies must report under SECR?
The SECR reporting framework applies to all quoted companies, large unquoted companies and large LLPs. 'Large' is defined as...
What is the purpose of SECR?
What is the purpose of SECR?
The purpose of SECR is to enable businesses and industry to improve energy efficiency by at least 20 per...
What is SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting)?
What is SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting)?
SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) is a new Government reporting programme, covering business energy use and...
Does SECR require disclosure of information?
Does SECR require disclosure of information?
Indeed it does. Large businesses are already measuring their energy use however there is no requirement for public disclosure. What's...
SECR – are you affected or not?
SECR - are you affected or not?
The SECR framework applies to quoted companies, large unquoted companies, and large limited liability partnerships (LLPs).
'Large' is defined...