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Tag: Scope 3

Lessons from Lululemon: it’s all about Scope 3

The activewear brand Lululemon is under investigation by Canada’s Competition Bureau after accusations of greenwashing. UK businesses in the clothing industry should take this...

UK government Call For Evidence: Scope 3 emissions reporting

The UK government has put out a Call For Evidence on the costs, benefits, and practicalities of Scope 3 emissions reporting. Responses on reporting...

Ten ways to reduce your Scope 3 emissions

It’s time to seriously engage with Scope 3 emissions. These are the emissions not directly generated by your business, but caused by activities relating...

Net Zero Tracker: Only 4% of company targets align with UN...

The Net Zero Tracker report, released today (12 June), revealed that the world's largest corporations are only making nominal progress towards their climate targets,...

Key points to remember when filing your year-end SECR report

Roughly 11,300 UK businesses are in scope of the government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting scheme (SECR). It is mandatory for any companies listed...

ISSB sets out guidance for Scope 3 emission disclosures

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has announced a series of guidelines and reliefs to help companies report their Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions...

Scope 3 emissions included in new ISSB standards

Starting from next year, new ISSB standards will require companies to disclose on Scope 1, 2, and 3. Reporting Scope 3 is an important...

Getting started with Scope 3 emissions

Getting started with Scope 3 emissions Scope 3 emissions have been compared to the underwater part of an iceberg: they’re hard to see, but impossible...

Reporting transport energy consumption: getting started

Many businesses need to report on their transport energy consumption because of mandatory schemes such as the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Streamlined Energy and Carbon...

Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions: a quick guide

Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions: a quick guideWhether you are reporting under a mandatory scheme such as SECR or setting a voluntary net...