Net Zero

“Net zero” means achieving a state where the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted do not exceed the gases being removed from the atmosphere so that the overall balance is zero.

Essential news articles covering climate change, net zero and carbon emissions from the writers of Energy Advice Hub.

For a net zero solution, visit Sustainable Energy First’s website HERE.

New net zero framework applied by major investors across £8 trillion portfolios

New net zero framework applied by major investors across £8 trillion portfolios

Some of the world’s biggest investors have become the first to apply a new framework aimed at maximising their contribution to tackling climate change.
A new guide is set to give clarity on net zero energy procurement and carbon offsets for net zero buildings in the UK.

New guide sets the standard for net zero energy procurement and carbon offsetting

New guide sets the standard for net zero energy procurement and carbon offsetting A new guide is set to give clarity on procurement of high-quality...
Virgin Media sets 2025 net zero goal

February’s net zero highlights: Etsy, IBM, Virgin Media and more

February’s net zero highlights: Etsy, IBM, Virgin Media and more - here's your round up.
Decarbonising business transport: how to get started

Decarbonising business transport: how to get started

Transport is the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, according to the most recent official figures, and many businesses will find it the most challenging area to tackle as they work towards their net zero goals.
Net zero buildings: how to get started

Net zero buildings: how to get started

The sheer scale of the challenge can be daunting for businesses: where exactly should you start?
New funding for small businesses and charities to boost take up of electric vehicles

New funding for small businesses and charities to boost take up of electric vehicles

New UK funding for small businesses and charities to boost take up of electric vehicles has been announced.
The price of fast fashion Polyester’s carbon footprint equivalent to 180 coal-fired power stations

The price of fast fashion: Polyester’s carbon footprint equivalent to 180 coal-fired power stations

A new report from the Changing Markets Foundation is warning against the global fashion industry’s reliance on synthetic fibres, which are made from fossil fuels such as oil and gas.
January 2021 Net Zero Highlights

January’s net zero highlights: BBC, PepsiCo and more

The new year saw some key net zero pledges from big business, including some ambitious announcements from energy intensive industries.
Cleaning up their act what’s behind the move towards divestment

Cleaning up their act: what’s behind the move towards divestment?

It seems that a sense of urgency about climate change is driving a trend for large investors to divest themselves of “grubby” brands, with pension funds taking the lead.
New energy efficiency standards for homes and offices have been launched lower energy consumption, according to government plans.

Government sets out ‘rigorous’ new energy efficiency standards for homes and offices

Government sets out ‘rigorous’ new energy efficiency standards for homes and offices All homes and businesses will have to meet strict new energy efficiency standards...