Net Zero

“Net zero” means achieving a state where the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted do not exceed the gases being removed from the atmosphere so that the overall balance is zero.

Essential news articles covering climate change, net zero and carbon emissions from the writers of Energy Advice Hub.

For a net zero solution, visit Sustainable Energy First’s website HERE.

New analysis from the World Resources Institute (WRI) warns of worrying lack of progress from heavy industry on 2020 global emissions targets.

Heavy industry is failing to embed energy efficiency fast enough, report warns

Heavy industry is failing to embed energy efficiency fast enough, report warns New analysis from the World Resources Institute (WRI) warns of worrying lack of...
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority will require all new developments in the region to be net zero carbon by 2028, according to new proposals.

New buildings in Greater Manchester to be ‘net zero’ by 2028

New buildings in Greater Manchester to be ‘net zero’ by 2028 The Greater Manchester Combined Authority will require all new developments in the region to...
Is Net Zero Carbon Legislation on the horizon

Is net zero carbon legislation genuinely on the horizon?

Is net zero carbon legislation genuinely on the horizon? Consensus is growing; business carbon targets may need to rise. As the Guardian reports, 50 Conservative MPs...

IPCC Report: What business needs to know

IPCC Report: what business needs to know This week, scientists released one of the most urgent and compelling calls for action on climate change to...