There have been negative reactions to the government’s recently published energy security strategy, but here's our “glass half full” take...

Hub view: Let’s not ignore the opportunities of the energy security strategy

Hub view: Let’s not ignore the opportunities of the energy security strategy Many column inches have been filled with negative reactions to the government’s recently...
Energy intensive industries scheme extended for 3 years

Energy Intensive Industries compensation scheme extended, plus support for EV battery manufacturers

Energy Intensive Industries compensation scheme extended, plus support for EV battery manufacturers High energy usage businesses, such as steel and paper manufacturers, are set to...
Net zero is set to feature heavily in NHS procurement decision-making, here's what you need to know about the new rules coming into force...

The new net zero rules for NHS suppliers: what you need to know

The new net zero rules for NHS suppliers: what you need to know Net zero is set to feature heavily in NHS procurement decision-making, with...
What’s in the Energy Security Strategy? We’ve got a quick-read summary of the main announcements - a quick read for businesses

What’s in the Energy Security Strategy? A quick read for businesses

What’s in the Energy Security Strategy? A quick read for businesses How does Britain secure greater energy independence, protect consumers from sky-high prices while still...
The IPCC Climate Change Report could not be clearer: It’s now or never if we want to limit global warming to 1.5C...

IPCC climate change report: can industry decarbonise in time?

IPCC climate change report: can industry decarbonise in time? The IPCC’s latest landmark report could not be clearer: It’s now or never if we want...
Waste may not be a priority within your company’s net zero or ESG strategy, but taking control of this can pay green & financial dividends

Why waste should be a key part of your ESG strategy

Waste may not yet be a priority within your company’s net zero or ESG strategy, but taking control of this surprisingly impactful stream can...

High Court finds government’s Net Zero Strategy is inadequate and unlawful

The government’s strategy for getting to net zero breaches the Climate Change Act, the High Court has found, and must be fleshed out to...
Rising prices are the biggest issue in UK energy at the moment – the main solution to this, is energy efficiency, finds the Energy Institute

Tackle the “triple threat” with energy efficiency, urge industry professionals

Energy industry professionals believe that rising prices are the biggest issue in UK energy at the moment – and that the main solution to...
The government has published plans to set stronger standards for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), here are the key changes...

Government confirms plans to strengthen ESOS scheme: what’s changing?

The government has published plans to set stronger standards for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), aligning it more closely with the UK’s net...
Here's our short guide to the Energy Bill Relief Scheme: government financial support to help organisations with soaring energy costs.

The Energy Bill Relief Scheme: A guide for businesses

This post was updated on 4th October 2022 to include detailed of the maximum discount, which has been set at £345/MWh for electricity and...