When is the ESOS Phase 2 deadline?

When is the ESOS Phase 2 deadline? The deadline for compliance for ESOS Phase 2 is the 5th December 2019. This might seem like a...

Which organisations qualify for ESOS Phase 2?

Which organisations qualify for ESOS Phase 2? The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) applies to large UK undertakings and their corporate groups. It mainly affects...

Will my Lead Assessor also implement projects identified through ESOS?

Will my Lead Assessor also implement projects identified through ESOS? Yes. To gain financial value from the audit, it’s a good idea to select an...

ESOS: is there any risk in non-compliance?

ESOS: is there any risk in non-compliance? There is a risk that the authority responsible for compliance and enforcement in your part of the UK...

Are there opportunities to implement ESOS recommendations on a ‘share of savings’ basis?

Are there opportunities to implement ESOS recommendations on a ‘share of savings’ basis? Some companies offer a ‘shared savings’ energy efficiency scheme, whereby the upfront...

Does ESOS deliver benefits to my company?

Does ESOS deliver benefits to my company? The point of ESOS is to assist your business to identify and implement cost-effective energy savings. The ESOS...

When can we start ESOS phase 2?

When can we start ESOS phase 2? You can start now. Indeed, if you haven’t already started, you really should start now! If you are...

Which government agency runs ESOS?

Which government agency runs ESOS? The Environment Agency is the administrator for ESOS for the whole of the UK. Responsibility for compliance and enforcement in...

Is ESOS optional?

Is ESOS optional? No. If your organisation meets the qualifying criteria then participation is compulsory. Enforcement action, including financial penalties, may be taken against eligible organisations...

EII exemption: What if our business activities change?

EII exemption: What if our business activities change? Eligibility for the EII scheme is dependent on a business establishing that they manufacture a product(s) within...