Business net zero advice

Business reasons to engage with net zero

Despite the growing awareness of net zero, many UK businesses have not yet got to grips with it. An August 2022 survey of decision-makers...
The forgotten 45%: why a circular economy is key to net zero

The forgotten 45%: why a circular economy is key to net zero

Many people are not aware that energy only accounts for 55% of total current greenhouse gas emissions and the key to further reductions could lay in a circular economy.
Decarbonising business transport: how to get started

Decarbonising business transport: how to get started

Transport is the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, according to the most recent official figures, and many businesses will find it the most challenging area to tackle as they work towards their net zero goals.
Net zero buildings: how to get started

Net zero buildings: how to get started

The sheer scale of the challenge can be daunting for businesses: where exactly should you start?
How To Achieve Net Zero Energy Building

How to kickstart your net zero journey in 2022

Over half of UK's largest businesses pledge to reach net zero by 2050. But these impressive figures ignore the reality that many businesses don’t have a net zero strategy because they don’t know how to start. Here is a quick rundown of what your net zero plan should include.
New EU anti-greenwashing legislation: a guide for UK business

New EU anti-greenwashing legislation: a guide for UK business

The EU is clamping down on greenwashing – and it could have major implications for any organisation making voluntary green claims. Proposals for a “Green...
Making credible green claims: the three golden rules

Making credible green claims: the three golden rules

We recently explained why claiming “carbon neutral” status for your products could undermine your credibility. But if your business is taking steps to cut...

“Green Day” policy roundup: what are the key announcements?

The government chose 30 March as the day to simultaneously issue dozens of documents on energy and climate change. These include policy documents, consultation...
Swimming Pool Support Fund: What you need to know

Swimming Pool Support Fund: What you need to know

The Spring Budget announced £60 million for the Swimming Pool Support Fund, with Phase I applications now open to eligible local authorities throughout England....
Scotland public sector heat darcabonisation

Scotland launches new £20m grant scheme for public sector heat decarbonisation

This week, Scotland has introduced a new £20 million grant scheme aimed at decarbonising the public sector's heating systems. The funding, administered through the...