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Tag: greenwash

Great British Energy: Will it cut bills and speed up net...

During every election campaign there are the pledges or policies that grab attention. Labour’s ‘Great British Energy’ is eye-catching for bill payers as well...

Election 2024: Your in-depth guide to energy and green economy promises

The Energy Advice Hub is a non-biased news source and reports from a facts-only perspective. We do not instil our own political views within...

Green Claims Directive: EU Council adopts its position on greenwashing

If you’re a B2C company doing business in the EU, you may be affected by the Green Claims Directive, which could soon be passed...

Lessons from Lululemon: it’s all about Scope 3

The activewear brand Lululemon is under investigation by Canada’s Competition Bureau after accusations of greenwashing. UK businesses in the clothing industry should take this...

The Green Claims Directive: what do UK businesses need to know?

In January 2024, members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of adopting a directive to improve product labelling. This is intended to support the forthcoming Green Claims Directive, often dubbed the anti-greenwashing legislation.

How to ensure your green claims stand up to scrutiny

We look at some of the common green claims that your business might be making – and how to ensure they stand up to scrutiny.

10 ways to set a net zero target without greenwashing

As environmental sustainability becomes more important to customers and investors, more and more companies are publicly declaring their ambition to reach net zero emissions within the next few decades.