Net Zero

“Net zero” means achieving a state where the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted do not exceed the gases being removed from the atmosphere so that the overall balance is zero.

Essential news articles covering climate change, net zero and carbon emissions from the writers of Energy Advice Hub.

For a net zero solution, visit Sustainable Energy First’s website HERE.

£60bn investment plan from National Grid to support electrical ‘backbone’ of UK

£60bn investment plan from National Grid to support electrical ‘backbone’ of UK

The National Grid’s Energy Electricity Systems Operator (ESO) has published its “Beyond 2030” report. It calls for up to £60 billion in investment to...
Report points to political instability as major blocker for sustainable UK investments

Report points to political instability as major blocker for sustainable UK investments

A new report from edie has cited political instability as a major barrier for sustainable investments in the UK. Released quarterly, edie’s Sustainable Business...
UK risks losing climate leadership position, BloombergNEF analysis shows

UK risks losing climate leadership position, BloombergNEF analysis shows

As of April 2024, any business tendering for a contract with NHS England will need to have a carbon reduction plan. This requirement was already in place for large suppliers, but is being extended to cover all new procurements. If your business plans to supply goods or services to the NHS, what do you need to know?
Welsh Government launches £20m decarbonisation fund for universities and colleges

Welsh Government launches £20m decarbonisation fund for universities and colleges

A new £20m loan scheme to accelerate net zero in tertiary education has been announced for Wales.DIGARBON (which means ‘decarbonise’ in Welsh) opens for...
Charging up: A business guide to b

Charging up: A business guide to battery storage systems

Battery storage, or battery energy storage systems (BESS), are devices that enable energy to be stored and then released when the power is needed...