A number of major green policies are due from the government – Here’s our list of the green policies to look out for in 2021

8 green policies for businesses to look out for this year

8 green policies for businesses to look out for this year 2021 needs to be a defining year for action on climate change – and...
New energy efficiency standards for homes and offices have been launched lower energy consumption, according to government plans.

Government sets out ‘rigorous’ new energy efficiency standards for homes and offices

Government sets out ‘rigorous’ new energy efficiency standards for homes and offices All homes and businesses will have to meet strict new energy efficiency standards...
A guide to the EII Renewable Levy Exemption Scheme & EII Compensation Scheme

A guide to the EII Renewable Levy Exemption Scheme & EII Compensation Scheme

Two separate but similar government schemes are available to help Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) stay competitive as our economy transitions to net zero by...
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) reporting requirements: What’s the difference in reporting betwen quoted & unquoted companies?

SECR: What’s the difference between reporting requirements for quoted and unquoted companies?

SECR: What’s the difference between reporting requirements for quoted and unquoted companies? Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements cover quoted companies, large unquoted companies...
Cleaning up their act what’s behind the move towards divestment

Cleaning up their act: what’s behind the move towards divestment?

It seems that a sense of urgency about climate change is driving a trend for large investors to divest themselves of “grubby” brands, with pension funds taking the lead.
January 2021 Net Zero Highlights

January’s net zero highlights: BBC, PepsiCo and more

The new year saw some key net zero pledges from big business, including some ambitious announcements from energy intensive industries.
UK Green construction: With vast carbon impacts, construction and housing are an obvious candidate for greening. Yet, barriers remain.

What is holding back UK green construction?

What is holding back UK green construction? With vast carbon impacts, construction and housing are an obvious candidate for greening. Yet, barriers remain. Anyone with even...
ESOS Phase 3: The government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is now in phase 3. Here’s what you need to know.

ESOS phase 3: what you need to know

The UK government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is currently in Phase 3. The compliance deadline is 5 June 2024, but the Environment Agency is delaying enforcement...
A new guide is set to give clarity on net zero energy procurement and carbon offsets for net zero buildings in the UK.

New guide sets the standard for net zero energy procurement and carbon offsetting

New guide sets the standard for net zero energy procurement and carbon offsetting A new guide is set to give clarity on procurement of high-quality...
The UK Emissions Trading Scheme is set to enter operation in May 2021. Here we take a look at the new scheme, and how it will work.

The UK ETS: frequently asked questions

The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) has been running since May 2021, but this year will see some significant changes. The Hub team...