The Government’s Streamlined Energy

Why change from compensating EIIs to exempting them?

Why change from compensating EIIs to exempting them? Good question. Government has already recognised that, in the short to medium term, the increase in retail...

Who is eligible for EII exemptions?

Who is eligible for EII exemptions? It is a two-step process: The Sector Level Test. Firstly, businesses claiming exemption as an EII will need to pass the...

How long is an EII exemption certificate valid for?

How long is an EII exemption certificate valid for? If I am successful in obtaining a certificate, how long is it valid for? Certificates will generally...

What about Brexit and EII?

What about Brexit and EII? The UK target to reduce emissions by 80% is enshrined in UK law, under the Climate Change Act of 2008. The...

Is the EII scheme auditable….and if so by who?

Is the EII scheme auditable….and if so by who? The EII scheme is managed by the BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy). BEIS...

Can the EII Exemption/Compensation be claimed retrospectively?

Can the EII Exemption/Compensation be claimed retrospectively? No. Certificates come into force on the day AFTER the day on which they are issued. To ensure...

EII exemption: What if our business activities change?

EII exemption: What if our business activities change? Eligibility for the EII scheme is dependent on a business establishing that they manufacture a product(s) within...

Which organisations qualify for ESOS Phase 2?

Which organisations qualify for ESOS Phase 2? The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) applies to large UK undertakings and their corporate groups. It mainly affects...

Is ESOS optional?

Is ESOS optional? No. If your organisation meets the qualifying criteria then participation is compulsory. Enforcement action, including financial penalties, may be taken against eligible organisations...

Which government agency runs ESOS?

Which government agency runs ESOS? The Environment Agency is the administrator for ESOS for the whole of the UK. Responsibility for compliance and enforcement in...