Energy efficiency in commercial buildings: Business energy use in the UK has fallen since 2000, largely delivered by industrial process efficiencies.

The future standards set to drive energy efficiency in commercial buildings

The future standards set to drive energy efficiency in commercial buildings Business energy use in the UK has fallen since 2000, largely delivered by industrial...
Updated ESOS Phase 2 guidance: what’s new? The government recently published updates to its ESOS guidance document. Here’s a brief summary of the changes.

Updated ESOS Phase 2 guidance: what’s new?

Updated ESOS Phase 2 guidance: what’s new? The government recently published updates to its ESOS guidance document. Here’s a brief summary of the changes: The latest...
The European Commission has lodged an appeal against the court ruling that suspended the UK capacity market ruling, reports Utility Week.

European Commission appeals against capacity market ruling

European Commission appeals against capacity market ruling The European Commission has lodged an appeal against the court ruling that suspended the UK capacity market, reports...
The CCC has warned that net zero target by 2050 is only credible if policies are introduced to match. How is the UK doing on these policy areas?

The UK is on track to miss its net zero target. How do we...

The UK is on track to miss its net zero target. How do we get there? “This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is Dunkirk....
How do the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations apply to charities? Download the free guide for charity workers here.

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting: a free guide for charities

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting: a free guide for charities Since the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations came into force in April 2019,...
Green Construction

What are today’s barriers to building green?

“This article is over two years old. You may like to read our latest analysis on barriers to building green in 2021.” What are today's...

10 problems with the petrol and diesel phase-out

10 problems with the petrol and diesel phase-out The UK government recently announced that in order to reach its target of zero greenhouse gas emissions...

ESTA Conference Highlights: EU ETS and SECR latest updates

ESTA Conference Highlights: EU ETS and SECR latest updates This week, Andy Greenall from the Hub team attended ESTA’s IECg conference: Energy: Changing Times in...

IPCC Report: What business needs to know

IPCC Report: what business needs to know This week, scientists released one of the most urgent and compelling calls for action on climate change to...
What do ESOS lead assessors do? They must review your ESOS assessment to consider whether it meets the requirements of the scheme. This will involve;

What do ESOS lead assessors do?

What do ESOS lead assessors do? Your lead assessor must review your ESOS assessment to consider whether it meets the requirements of the scheme. This will...