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Tag: renewable energy

Is water the next target for disclosures to investors?

Investor demand for information about corporate risks relating to water has more than doubled since last year, according to an organisation that sets international...

Welsh Government launches publicly-owned renewable energy developer

The Welsh Government has launched Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, a publicly-owned renewable energy developer aimed at accelerating renewable energy projects, especially onshore wind, across Wales....

£60bn investment plan from National Grid to support electrical ‘backbone’ of...

The National Grid’s Energy Electricity Systems Operator (ESO) has published its “Beyond 2030” report. It calls for up to £60 billion in investment to...

Unlocking Earth’s power: A comprehensive guide to geothermal energy

Clean energy sources are going to play a vital role in the global race to net zero. Wind and solar are already well-defined resources,...

Please, SIR: more incentives for offshore wind developers

The UK government has increased the maximum price that offshore wind projects can receive for selling their energy and opened a consultation into a new incentive scheme for developers.

Record high of UK electricity is generated by renewables, says Energy...

Almost half of the UK’s electricity generation is now derived from renewables, a new report from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero...

UK solar power has ‘untapped potential’ in commercial realm

The integration of solar power in commercial buildings has the potential to revolutionise the renewable energy landscape in the UK, according to the new...

‘Genuine milestone event’: UK generates 1 trillion kWh of renewable electricity

The UK has produced more than 1 trillion kilowatt hours (kWh) of power in the last 50 years and is projected to generate another...

UK hydrogen economy is at ‘critical juncture,’ says RenewableUK

The UK is at a critical juncture in maximising the industrial potential of green hydrogen, according to a new report from Renewable UK. The...

Report: UK intensive industry must install 200GW of low carbon energy...

The UK's goal to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 requires a significant transition towards a zero-carbon power grid and the electrification of heavy...