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Independent advisory body launched to support UK transport decarbonisation

A new independent council has been launched to help accelerate the UK’s net zero transport goals. This change comes at a pivotal time as...

Post-lockdown commutes contribute to biggest annual rise in greenhouse gas emissions

Post-lockdown commutes contribute to biggest annual rise in greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions rose by 4.7% in 2021, largely due to the increase in...

How to report staff EV and hybrid mileage under SECR

Our recent post on staff mileage and SECR explained how to calculate your employees’ emissions when they are driving a petrol or diesel vehicle for work...

HGVs: how will businesses decarbonise their road freight?

HGVs: how will businesses decarbonise their road freight? The importance of HGVs to the UK economy has been in the spotlight recently, as driver shortages...

The Transport Decarbonisation Plan: what you need to know

The Transport Decarbonisation Plan: what you need to know The government’s long awaited Transport Decarbonisation Plan was published this week, offering much-needed clarity on plans...

Landmark report sets out key milestones to net zero by 2050

Landmark report sets out key milestones to net zero by 2050 Achieving net zero emissions is possible, but the window of opportunity is narrow and...

New funding for small businesses and charities to boost take up...

New UK funding for small businesses and charities to boost take up of electric vehicles has been announced.

Destination 2050: Europe’s aviation sector launches plan to reach net zero...

Destination 2050: Europe’s aviation sector launches plan to reach net zero emissions Europe’s aviation sector has published a pathway to reaching net zero emissions, outlining...

UK greenhouse gas emissions fell by 44% between 1990 and 2019

UK greenhouse gas emissions fell by 44% between 1990 and 2019 In 2019 UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were nearly 44% lower than they were...

8 green policies for businesses to look out for this year

8 green policies for businesses to look out for this year 2021 needs to be a defining year for action on climate change – and...