New EU anti-greenwashing legislation: a guide for UK business

New EU anti-greenwashing legislation: a guide for UK business

The EU is clamping down on greenwashing – and it could have major implications for any organisation making voluntary green claims. Proposals for a “Green...
Why your business should be cautious about “carbon neutral” product claims

Why your business should be cautious about “carbon neutral” product claims

The eco-conscious consumer might feel spoiled for choice. A huge variety of products – everything from running shoes to gin – are being sold...
Spring Budget: the energy, carbon, and green economy lowdown

Spring Budget: the energy, carbon, and green economy lowdown

Today (15 March) Jeremy Hunt announced the Spring Budget. New funding for energy efficiency and support for swimming pools broke the surface, as well...
What does the government’s Net Zero Review mean for businesses?

What does the government’s Net Zero Review mean for businesses?

How can the UK deliver its net zero targets in a way that is affordable, efficient, and pro-business? That was the question at the...

The new Energy Bills Discount Scheme for businesses: what you need to know

The government has confirmed the details of a new energy discount scheme for businesses, charities and the public sector, ahead of the current Energy...
Supermarkets call for the government to lift the policy barrier to regulation for renewables – saying net zero by 2050 could be unachievable

Supermarkets call for removal of barriers surrounding renewables investment

Supermarkets are calling for the government to lift the policy barrier to regulation for renewables – saying that otherwise the government’s goal of reaching...
Achieving Net Zero Energy

What makes a good net zero transition plan?

From 2023, it will be compulsory for certain businesses to publish a net zero plan. Over 1300 UK-registered large companies and financial institutions are...
Business net zero advice

Business reasons to engage with net zero

Despite the growing awareness of net zero, many UK businesses have not yet got to grips with it. An August 2022 survey of decision-makers...
How to achieve net zero emissions

The UK’s Net Zero Review is open. What comes next for business?

Is net zero at risk under the new Conservative leadership? The government’s Net Zero Review launched this month. Ultimately, it will provide answers. Politically, it's...

Businesses invited to have their say on the UK’s net zero transition

The government has launched a review into its approach to reaching net zero. Until 27 October 2022, the general public, business, and others will...